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How to write a biography for a DJ

Bio for a DJ can be great for promoting, getting gigs, and marketing. We’ll look through a few steps and hacks on how to write a biography to get the most out of your job.
It is an important part of your marketing strategy to have a proper written bio. On the one hand, it turns out to be a first step on the successful career ladder – you can send it to promoters. On the other hand, a poorly written biography can do harm to your reputation.
An important part of the bio is that it is a marketing element. It means You are a product and a service at the same time, so it’s important to sell yourself. Let’s walk through the steps to writing a high-quality DJ biography.

Collect necessary information

Now you need to organize your draft of your future bio. Use the following steps to write your first draft:

  • How and why did you want to become a DJ?
  • What are you aiming for?
  • What inspires you?
  • What projects have you taken part in?
  • What are your plans for future projects?


Prepare a draft

  • Where your story begins and what you achieved;
  • Write some of the goals;
  • What is your current position and where do you lean forward?

While writing, keep in mind what you want to show about yourself. Telling about yourself in the 3rd person – the best choice for a biography for an artist who cares about his career. Try not to appear selfish or negative. Also, try not to emphasize and point out things that are not really relevant to your music career. Most people won’t have enough time to read a very long biography. Try to put your bio in one page. Now your draft is ready. Check it once again and correct it if needed.

Make multiple versions of your biography

Now, when your final bio is ready you should prepare a few versions of it. Your bio should be user-friendly. As example, if you need to post the bio on your site, you need to have a short version of the text. Such a version can be used by journalists and promoters, or perhaps it will be perfectly suitable for social media networks.

Some more tips



The promoter does not need to read unnecessary information about you. They should be interested in you for cooperation. Write in what genre you work in, about your experience, and let your mixes do my job.


Write in short paragraphs, use lists, and highlight the right points in the text to highlight your strengths. Your text should be easy to read, short and to the point.

Stock phrases

Do not write banal and formulaic things in the text. This will not distinguish you from others. Point out what really played an important role in shaping you as an artist.

Regularly updates

There will always be some changes in your career, so regularly update your biography, add new dates and achievements to keep the information up to date.

Check spelling

If there are grammatical mistakes in your biography, it means that you are not serious and not professional due to the matter and do not pay attention to details. Before posting your bio, look for mistakes and correct them.


An artist’s biography is a promotion tool. There should be a call to action at the end of your text. After you have described in the text all the advantages of working with you, ask the reader to perform a certain action, for example, “Send me a request” or “Invite me to speak”, “Call now to find out available dates”, etc.


A bio is a highly important tool in DJ marketing. Take it seriously if you want it not only to be read but to encourage your client to contact you and offer cooperation. 

We hope, You guys liked our article and You will be able to take some tips for writing your biography. Good Luck!

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